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Plano, TX 75023|
420 Tucson Court
3 Bedrooms + 2 Baths||2,010 Sq Ft
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Cook for the whole family

You'll enjoy cooking in this kitchen! The wood cabinets, lighting, and countertops create a warm and inviting space. The range oven and built-in microwave make this kitchen functional.
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Fill your home with memories

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Convenient Plano Location

This .25 acre lot has plenty of storage space for toys and hobbies. The workshop is perfect for your projects. Home was recently painted, carpet throughout the home!
You'll want to check out the two backyards with one just off the patio area & the bonus second living area has a huge workshop with electricity set up for your projects.
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agent photo
Mike Shepherd
Acquisto Real Estate
8146 County Road 860, McKinney, TX 75071